French Phrases: Christmas in French

Here is some vocabulary and phrases for talking about Christmas in French.

à Noëla noɛlat Christmas
cadeau de Noëlkado də noɛlChristmas present
carte de Noëlkaʁt(ə) də noɛlChristmas card
bûche de Noëlbyʒ də noɛlYule Log
arbre de Noëlaʁbʁə də noɛlChristmas tree
pudding de Noëlpudiŋ də noɛlChristmas pudding
repas de Noëlʁəpan noɛlChristmas lunch, Christmas dinner
décorations de Noëldekɔʁasjõn noɛlChristmas decorations
offrirɔfʁiʁto give (as a present)
le jour de Noëllə ʒuʁ də noɛl(on) Christmas Day
la veille de Noëlla vɛj də noɛl(on) Christmas Eve
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Phrases for talking about Christmas

The following phrases are useful when talking about Christmas and Christmas presents in French:

joyeux Noël!-merry Christmas!
joyeux Nono!-merry Chrimbles! (Slang)
qu'est-ce que tu veux pour Noël?-what do you want for Christmas?
qu'est-ce que tu as reçu comme cadeaux de Noël?-what did you get for Christmas?
qu'est-ce que tu vas offrir à tes parents?-what are you going to get your parents?
j'ai reçu...-I got...
mes parents m'ont offert...-my parents got me...
croire au père Noël-to believe in Father Christmas
passer (la) Noël1 en famille-to spend Christmas with one's family
mettre des cadeaux sous l'arbre-to put presents under the tree
organiser une fête de Noël-to have a Christmas party
chanter des chants de noël-to sing Christmas carols
chanter des cantiques de noël-to sing Christmas hymns
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1. The word Noël is generally masculine, but can be feminine in the sense of 'Christmas period'. Using the article, rather than simply saying Noël, may be more common in some regions of France than others.

Page written by Neil Coffey. Copyright (c) Javamex UK 2014. All rights reserved.